Special Needs Help
This page will have various sites that other moms who are homeschooling children with special needs have found helpful. Feel free to e-mail Cathy ([email protected]) with a site you would like to see added to this list.
We highly recommend the Great Homeschool Convention as an excellent source of information and resources for special needs home education. https://www.greathomeschoolconventions.com/locations/missouri/
- HSLDA's webpage for special needs: http://www.hslda.org/strugglinglearner/default.asp
. - Special Needs Resource page: http://stlouishomeschoolevents.wordpress.com/special-needs-resources/
- Victory Speech Therapy and Austism Consulting - http://www.victoryspeechtherapy.com/about.html
- GIFTED CLASSES: Dr. Agnes Meyo -