The SHARE Prom!
Registration for the Prom has reached its full capacity.
Signing up now will put you on the waiting list.
*A full list of who will be attending will be published
on the SHARE website
closer to the date of the dance.
*We still have room for a few SENIORS!
Registration is still open for
SHARE members only.
If you are a SHARE member, you
in order to sign up for the prom.
Registration for non-SHARE members opens.
at midnight on March 20, 2025
In an effort to accomodate MORE students at the prom, some small changes have been made.
*The prom is only open to current homeschooled high school students aged 14-19 years old.
*A homeschooled student may sign-up 1 guest and they
do not have to be home-educated.
*If your guest falls outside of the age restrictions, please contact Peggy Trefts to
discuss a possbile waiver: [email protected]
That guest can be a SHARE member or
a non-SHARE member...but just 1 per person.
*Your prom payment of $45 must be paid within 10 days or your registration will be deleted.
If you missed the part about HOW TO PAY, here are your options:
1. If you are a SHARE member and logged in before you signed up, you can pay by going to your statement of account.
(Click on BALANCE at the top of the page.)
2. Type this in your browser (just like a website) to begin a Paypal transaction: (Note: There is no .com)
3. Mail cash or check (made out to SHARE) to:
Cathy Mullins
3675 Montana St.
St. Louis, MO 63116
4. Drop your payment off at Homelink on any
For the safety of all, we need volunteers to supervise through the evening.
There are a variety of jobs available before, during, and after the event.
Please help our volunteer dance committee, who have been working for months
on decorations and other planning. Thanks!
SHARE offers this class only once a year in the spring. It is open to ALL HOMESCHOOLERS in the area.
If you are a SHARE member, please LOG-IN first before you go to the calendar date. This will generate an invoice for your account.
If you are NOT a SHARE member, just click on the image below to be taken to the registration page.
SPECIAL NOTE: If there are enough people on a waiting list, Mark Chrun will offer a second class at a later date.

Due to the first class developing a long waiting list, Mark Chrun is offering this second class. This class is open to ALL HOMESCHOOLERS in the area.
If you are a SHARE member, please LOG-IN first before you go to the calendar date. This will generate an invoice for your account.
If you are NOT a SHARE member, just click on the image below to be taken to the registration page.

Project Fair is a favorite SHARE event! Last year we had over 80 participants! This is for SHARE members only but please bring family members and friends to view these amazing projects! Please LOG-IN and then go to the calendar date of March 25th to register. Thanks!

It's Savers' Fundraising Time!!!!
Please help us earn some money for SHARE so that we can keep prices of events low!
Just fill up those large kitchen bags or outdoor trash bags with anything soft--clothes, bedding, purses/bags, jewelry, shoes. No household items; no books; no "hard" stuff.
Our Goal: $500
125 Large Yard Bags (avg. 20 lbs.)
OR 200 White Kitchen Bags

Spring Photo Day!!!
Please note that this event has expanded to Thursday, March 20th
Jennifer Powell will be back to take homeschool photos for us on Tuesday, March 18th and Thursday, March 20th!
If you missed out on our fall photo day, now is your chance to get some beautiful portraits before the school year is over! If you don't know Jennifer, she is a wife, second generation homeschooling mama, and portrait photographer. She has specialized in children's portraiture since 2019 and has experience working with hundreds of kiddos! Please visit her website to register and schedule your photo session. When you register, you'll receive her current price sheet and a helpful guide with all sorts of tips on picking out the perfect outfits so you can be sure to have photos that you love! Click below to sign up for your time slot!
Skating Party for All Homeschoolers!
Let's get in a time machine and skate to the hits of the 50's-2000s!
If you are a SHARE member, please Log-in and go to the calendar page. Logging in makes the website post your payment so that Cathy does not have to do it manually.
If you are a non-SHARE member, just click on the image below to sign up.

Homelink Tours!
Back by popular demand...Homelink Tours! Click on the image below to go to a Google Form to sign up for a tour of Homelink. See you soon!
If you look directly below this widget, you will see more information about what Homelink is and if you click on the word "HERE" an entire page of links about Homelink will pop up and answer many of your questions.

Tour of Federal Court House!
SHARE members only, so you MUST LOG-IN to be able to register.
After you log-in, please go to the calendar date of March 10 to sign-up for the field trip.

Save the Date!
If you plan to participate in these big events, both to be held in the gym at our Homelink location, mark your calendars! These events are open to SHARE members only.

Homelink Classes
*The Homelink Learning Center is an"arm" of the S.H.A.R.E homeschool support group.
*You must be a member of SHARE to take Homelink classes;
however, as a member of SHARE, you do not
have to take classes. (Many have asked.)
Click HERE to be taken to the Homelink PUBLIC HOME PAGE, where, if you scroll along, many of your other questions can be answered.
Also, tours of Homelink will be offered in April.
Here's the link to sign up:
Cathy Mullins and her many helpers at Homelink!
Homeschool PE - UPDATED FOR 2024-25
Meet Cort Hubbard
Homeschool Band & Guitar Classes (updated for 24-25)
Steve Heitmann has been teaching homeschool band for 28 years! He and his wife have home educated and graduated all their children and now have grandchildren!
These classes are on Wednesdays at our Homelink location, but they are separate from Homelink and you pay Steve directly.

Meet Steve Heitmann
Art Show Winners!
Congratulations to all who participated and to the Schoenborn Family for organizing it.

Hats for sale!
We will be selling these at Homelink through the end of the school year...........

Homeschool Ice Skating for 24-25
Ice Skating Every Monday Afternoon for only $5.00!
There will be no homeschool skate for the rest of 2024 (so no more this year).
In 2025 they will start up again on January 6th.
Last skate for the school year will be March 3rd.
They will close down the rink to do major repairs and they estimate it will be completed when next school year starts (hopefully in late August).
If you have any questions, please contact Lucille Sherry at
[email protected] or 314-440-5711

Homeschool Roller Skating
The original homeschool skate fell apart...this is the NEW one for the 2024-25 school year!
This is the same location where SHARE has their skating parties. You can skate with homeschoolers every month and not just occasionally!

Bingo Days: Updated for the 2024-25 school year
This is for all SHARE members but it is held at Homelink.
No sign-up, just come!
Cost is free, but we love donations!

Boxtops Ongoing Tally
Our 2023 total was $580.60; however, the $500 was the result of Cathy winning a Boxtop contest. We really only made $80.60.

Please click on the image above to go to our Boxtops Page where all your questions can be answered. No more clipping cardboard boxes...just take a picture of your receipt with the app on your phone!
Chess Club!
Learn to play chess!
NO CHESS CLUB on December 19th nor January 2nd. No Chess on March 6 as that is Homelink spring break.
Chess Club is following the Homelink schedule.

An Encouraging Word!
Become a SHARE member
The price is only $25 per year and your membership is good through 8/31/25.
You can use Paypal, a credit card through Paypal or send cash or check (details on the form).
S.H.A.R.E. is an independent support group founded and operated by volunteer parents who home educate their children in the Greater St. Louis Area. Families from all over the St. Louis region and nearby Illinois counties are members of SHARE, although we are based in the South City, South County and Mid County areas.
We are a diverse group of homeschoolers with a wide variety of learning and teaching styles. Some families are large, others are small; some are homeschooling veterans of twenty years, many are just beginning.
The majority of members are Christians and leadership is totally Christian; however, people of all faiths are welcome in S.H.A.R.E. We are united by our choice to homeschool our children and give them the best possible educational experience AND by our desire to protect homeschooling rights in Missouri and elsewhere.
Our main goal is to inform, equip and encourage families in their homeschooling journey!
S.H.A.R.E. offers many activities and classes to supplement and enrich your home education experience, including an E-NEWSLETTER that is filled with both upcoming SHARE activities and other opportunities that your homeschoolers may benefit from. Be the first to find out about such events as:
*PARTIES (volunteers needed!)
*NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (volunteers needed!)
(We hold 3!--Kindergarten, 8th grade, and High School)
and more!
Families for Home Education (FHE)
gives Missouri homeschoolers
excellent support!
Know anyone who wants info on homeschooling? Direct them to these great seminars! This is by far the best event to attend if you know very little about homeschooling in Missouri (sorry, not Illinois--they basically have no restrictions). All of your questions will get answered!
Go to our Events to register.
Please make sure you add the event to your calendar. A confirmation email will be sent to you with all the zoom info, so check your Spam if you don't get it right away. And Kim will send out a reminder email the day before the event.

2025 Local Homechool Conferences
Save $10.00 at the GHC event by using this code: 25GHCMO

Copy and paste the links:
GHC link:
Midwest Parent Educators link:
Teach Them Diligently Conference:
The SHARE Library is amazing!
DID YOU KNOW? Anyone who is a SHARE member can check out books for 4 weeks and curriculum for an entire year!!!!
The SHARE Library is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and a Saturday once in awhile). You can use it on those days, but if you need the assistance of one of our volunteer librarians, here is the schedule:
Cathajane Rieger will be there on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00
Karen Brandt will be there on Thursdays from 11:00-4:00

We try to keep our SHARE membership as low as we can, and we never turn away a family for lack of funds. If God has blessed you, please consider making a donation to help defray this cost. Please enter the amount you wish to donate............and THANK YOU so much!
Ghandi quote

(in no particular order)
Families for Home Education
Families for Home Education is our Missouri homeschool lobbying organization. Good resource to get a withdrawal letter sample at their home page. Also, check the page for upcoming homeschool seminars--they are wonderful!!! Clicking the logo below will take you to their Region 5 page, which is our area.

Focus and Read
The Rocks Cry Out Ministry
Bill Barnes of The Rocks Cry Out! Ministry, shares geological proofs of a worldwide flood, and the Tower of Babel, defending Biblical history through fossil records. Rocks and fossils with plan and purpose.
Click on the image to hear a recent radio interview with Bill where he explains his ministry. BTW, Bill is a homeschool dad too!

You are invited to fly with the Eagles!
If you want to make a difference in our culture while learning some valuable skills, then come and find out about our new method of action!
Take a tour of our updated studio, test out some of our tech equipment, and meet other like-minded peers! We will also have some light snacks!

Bloom and Grow Speech Therapy

Does your child struggle with academics, vocabulary, following directions, or reading?
Detecting a speech or language problem can be tricky if you don’t know the traits of typical development. The simple rule of thumb is a language problem may exist if a child doesn’t understand and or express what they want to say, as well as other children of the same age. Research shows that the earlier problems are detected and treated, the better children progress, and keep pace with peers in learning and social relationships.
STACY BICK, former homeschooling mom and Speech Therapist at BLOOM AND GROW SPEECH THERAPY, now has openings to help your child with any concerns you may have from articulation, vocabulary, language, listening skills, auditory processing, stuttering, to vocal quality. She is offering a free 15 minute screening. And if therapy is needed, she offers a 50% discount to homeschooling families. Virtual therapy is also available, if desired!
Contact her at [email protected] or call 314-223-2289.
Speech and Debate Club
ARCH is an amazing community where children as young as ten can learn alongside seniors in high school. The lessons in rhetoric and public speaking will never be forgotten. This club is a must for any homeschooled child in St Louis!
We are a STOA speech and debate club that meets weekly:
South STL County (Rooftop Church) - Mondays from 2-5pm.
St. Charles County (Liberty Church) - Tuesdays from 7-9pm.
Club leader is Jeremy Zilkie.
(314) 489-4607
. Stoa Speech & Debate is for Christian homeschool students between the ages of 12-18.
· Students ages 10-11 can attend, but need to be “mature” in their educational interests and emotional development.
· The materials and concepts we cover can be challenging and require focus.
Email questions to: [email protected]

Barron's Gymnastics
Classes offered two days per week, 55 minutes per class. Homeschool discount is available on weekday, morning classes only, Monday – Friday with start times between 9:00am-12:00pm.
See our specific class days and time pages for class availability and enrollment.


Josh & Lindsey Photography
Josh & Lindsey Photography
Since I work on the website many hours a week, I thought it only fair that I get to plug my son's business. Please check out his website by clicking on the image below. Or visit his Facebook page, Josh & Lindsey Photo. Of course he does engagement photos and weddings, but he LOVES the family pictures. Your children will think he is fun! ~Cathy