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Mrs. Cathy Mullins To All Instructors


I'm Cathy Mullins and most homeschoolers know me as the Director of Homelink and the leader of SHARE.  I usually do not teach classes, but for some reason I am feeling very led by the Lord to teach this Who-Dun-It Murder Mystery Literature and Writing class.  I have a BS in  Education and a lifetime teaching certificate from UMSL.  I enjoy a good mystery and I do miss imparting knowledge into young  minds.  So I feel like I am pretty qualified to teach this class.  My oldest son, Josh, graduated from Webster University after being completely taught by me K-12.  And, of course, you probably know that my sweet Jesse is in heaven having a blast!  

I have no plans to use the online Dashboard.  For now I will communicate through email and handouts to the students. 

This class is high school level and there will be a ton of reading. I'll be counting on you to keep your student motivated to keep up with assignments and all the readings.  We have the same goals of giving your children an amazing education, so let's work together!  Never hesitate to contact me about anything!!! laugh

Current Classes
Who-Dun-It: Murder Mystery Literature and Writing (2:30 TH) – Instructor (open)